This product, OREXIS, the innovational infution , made for eating disorders especially diseases such as anorexia and bulimia, its main objective is to reduce/contribute the population that contain these issues, using natural elements, this works by in other words replacing the intravenous feeding, used by a certain amount of population that possess these diseases, or the food itslef into an infution, that can make a very similar effect and transform part of the feeding into an easier and cheaper solution/help for the patient itself. This for the reduction of the effect of fear for the food that the previously mention diseases produce, and for offering some amount of nutrients needed for a physical improvement, until treatment is done calming the ANXIETY that comes with this ones
Our company, founded by Valery Alvarez Hernandez, Juan Pablo Penberthy Neuta and Juliana Umaña Lopez is specialized in the production of different tea infutions which their main function is to reduce the amount of population with anorexy and bulimia. As we know social media could be consider as a fulminant factor for eating disorders, specially in teenagers thanks to the beuty standards, we see in our phones every day. This can cause serious mental issues, and eating disorders, with expensive recoveries, thanks to the need of looking perfect. This is why we decided to create this company, for creating and affordable and portable help/solution to people suffering from these diseases, and giving them a piece of hope.
Our vision is to become the leading company in Colombia for the treatment of diseases such as bulimia and anorexia, in general eating disorders. By using our main product, the orexis tee infution, which will be distributed to main places for the treatment of these disorders, without restrictions. The business wants to achieve in an approximately time lapse of 1-2 years a low percentage of population with the diseases mentioned before, and an mental improvement of the clients/patients.
Anorexy is an eating disorder, which gives different consequences, such as a big amount of weight loss considering the original weight and high of the person, thanks to the fear of food itself, people get used to doing large amount of exercise hours and other methods, some of them consider extreme to lose weight. There can be 2 types, restricting and purging/bing eating. Some risks factors that can appear could be having a previous anxiety, disorder, a negative imagine of yourself, eating problems in early childhood, etc.
Bulimia, considered an eating disorder in the eating behavior which is characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating, followed by abnormal compensatory behaviors, in some cases causing vomit, it can be detected by different factors such as inappropriate behaviors to prevent weight gain, ongoing preoccupation with body shape or weight, absence of anorexia nervosa, which can be treated by therapy itself